Native Apps:

  • Written in platform-specific languages (Java or Kotlin for Android, Objective-C or Swift for iOS).
  • Can access system/device resources like GPS, camera, contacts, etc.
  • Can work offline without an internet connection.
  • Typically faster and more responsive.
  • Subject to app store approval processes for distribution (such as Apple’s App Store).

Web Apps:

  • Written in web technologies: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Accessed through a browser over the internet.
  • Not installed on the device itself, but hosted on a server.
  • Can be accessed from any device with an internet connection and a compatible browser.
  • Generally easier to develop compared to native apps.
  • May not have the same level of access to system/device resources.
  • May be slower or less responsive compared to native apps.
  • Security depends on the implementation and server-side measures.

At Reed Dynamic, we pride ourselves in noting that it is important for your website to have the speed, security, and resource requirements that can vary depending on the specific use case, implementation, and optimization efforts put into the development of both native and web apps. Additionally, advancements in web technologies and browser capabilities have made it possible to bridge some of the performance gaps between native and web apps in certain scenarios.